Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Chocolate heaven

True or false?

Chocolate thickens
False. A bit of chocolate on a regular basis in a healthy eating pattern does not increase weight. Chocolate is even included in a low-calorie diet. The higher the percentage of cocoa the lower the presence of carbohydrates.

Chocolate reveals something about your personality
True, according to the psychotherapist Murray Langham. In his book “chocolate therapy: Dare to Discover Your Inner Self”, he describes how much the choice of the shape and the filling tells about the personality of people. Even the way of throwing away the wrapping is important. Fans of milk chocolate are according to Langham, innocent people who like to live in the past. Those who prefer plain chocolate have materialistic preferences and are enthusiastic about the future. The white chocolate lovers have a strong sence of justice. Do you prefer oval shapes? Then you are a social and sensual person. Persons with an open mind prefer filled chocolate.

Chocolate raises cholesterol.
False. Cocoa butter contains unsaturated fatty acid (32% of oleic acid and 3% linoleic acids on the total amount of fat). Saturated acids are for 43% palmitic acid and 41% stearic acid. The stearic acid is quickly turned into oleic acid by the organism. And this acid is known for its lowering effect on cholesterol.

Chocolate causes allergic reactions
True. Some people are allergic to proteins in cocoa. The chocolate without those proteins can be found in diet or health food shops. Chocolate can also have an effect on people allergic to gluten (gelatin). Why ? Chocolate sold in a baker’s shop comes into contact with gluten in bread and cookies.

Chocolate is not easy digestible.
False. Chocolate of good quality cannot cause troubles during digestion. On the contrary, it stimulates digestion and the contraction of the intestinal muscles. After 1 hour everything is digested.

Chocolate is good for diabetics
True. Sugar-free chocolate exists. The traditional sugar is substituted by Maltitol. Maltitol is harmless for diabetics. It has clinically been proved that Maltitol, extracted from barley, is better for the stomach and the intestines.

Chocolate is suited for sculptures
True. In the waxworks of Madame Tussaud, stands a life-size statue of Elton John … in milk chocolate. The making of choco-Elton was no easy matter. The perfect modelling of Elton in 126 kg of cocoa needed for about a thousand work hours by a dozen of sculptors.

I love chocolate sooo much that's why i am healthy and happy all the day....hehehe...The conclusion of the fact is chocolate is good for your health and emotion...believe it....

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