Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Ikan bakar, ALai Melaka

10 Feb 2013

If you visited Malacca, you have to try this food, Ikan Bakar. Either you choose to eat @ Umbai or Alai, the taste for both of it same and awesome but the price is different. Umbai much expensive but in Alai is quite cheaper. Me, try a lot @ Umbai but lately my dad bring us @ Ikan Bakar Alai. You have to come early or you won't get your seat there. It's too crowded because they serve you with fresh fish. First you have to choose your fish or any other seafood and ask them to cook according to your favorite dishes. It sooooo yummy and you feel like you want to come again and again and again and again (2pm song)...hehehe...
beautiful sunset

sooo fresh....

grilled stingray and sambal prawn

cuttlefish fried

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